Elizabeth Boyd is a freelance writer who enjoys helping people understand complex subjects through her online content. She has a diverse employment history, working as a paralegal, real estate associate, English tutor, and material control government contractor in the past. She has also lived abroad and traveled extensively due to her military family background.
She segued from paralegal work to writing in 2008 when she assumed the role of Associate Editor for Wickstom Publishing in Denver, CO. Since then, Elizabeth has developed an expansive writing portfolio crafting content for many industries on numerous topics.
Elizabeth studied journalism at the University of Maryland, Munich Campus, Germany, and earned her AA in paralegal studies from Pikes Peak Community College in Colorado Springs.
Elizabeth enjoys reading, cooking, singing, traveling, watching TV, and spending time with family in her free time.
UpNest and Clever both match you with top local real estate agents for free! In fact, many agents work with both companies. The difference? One pre-negotiates discounts to save you up to 70% on listing fees. Read our guide for the full breakdown.
Redfin and UpNest can both help you sell or buy a house and save — but which offers better rates and value overall? Our in-depth breakdown will help you pick the right fit.
Ideal Agent Listing fees start at 2%, but they charge a $3,000 minimum fee that can be more than 2% for lower-priced homes.
Both Houwzer and Redfin are low commission brokerages that save you money when selling your home. Houwzer’s listing fee is $5,000 while Redfin charges 1.5%.
Both Homie and a realtor can help you sell or buy a house: but is Homie really the best way to save money? Find out if the Homie savings are worth it.
The Redfin listing fee starts at 1.5%, but the fee can change and there are better listing options out there. Know Redfin’s hidden fees and minimum fees before you sign up.