NEVADA Seller Closing Costs & Net Proceeds Calculator

Easily estimate the Nevada home seller closing costs and seller "net" proceeds with this calculator. Just enter the sale price, and then enter the various closing costs; including the seller paid closing costs (if applicable). Please send me an E-mail if you see an error or want to make a comment.

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Net To Seller | Print Page |

  1. What is the selling or listing price?
  2. Where is the home located?
  3. Document Preparation
  4. Escrow Fee  
  5. Home Warranty
  6. Mortgage Payoff (1st mortgage)
  7. Mortgage Payoff (2nd mortgage)
  8. Over night mail (loan payoff)    
  9. Real estate taxes (past due & penalties)    
  10. Recording Fees    
  11. Realtor Commission Percentage  
  12. Realtor Commission - Flat dollar amount*  
  13. --Additional Real Estate Broker Fees
  14. Seller Cost Contribution  
  15. Seller Cost Contribution - Flat dollar amount*  
  16. Title Insurance (Owners Policy)  
  17. Transfer tax  
    split-commission CALCULATOR
  21. Sales Price %  
  22. Commission on first dollar amount
  23. Commission on remaining amount
  24. Total Real Estate Commission ADD TO TOTAL
      Be sure to tick the box

Realtor® Commission - Flat dollar amount* - If the commission is a flat dollar amount (i.e. $6,000), enter that amount in the adjacent box. The cost will override the percentage calculation. If the split-commission calculator is used below, the calculation will override both the percentage and flat dollar commission. Be sure to tick the box to add to total for this feature to work.

Seller Cost Contribution - If the seller is paying a flat dollar amount toward the seller assist, enter the cost in the adjacent box. The cost will override the percentage calculation. Make sure you are within the maximum allowable cost for a seller assist. Learn more about seller paid closing costs

split-commission Calculator - The split-commission calculator will estimate the commission when the commission is "split" between two percentages. If the commission is calculated on a split-commission percentage, make sure you tick the "ADD TO TOTAL" to Yes.

Frequently Ask Questions About Nevada Closing Costs

What costs do sellers pay to sell their home?

The State of Nevada/county charges a transfer tax, called "Real Property Transfer Tax" on home sales. The transfer tax is usually paid by the home seller, but payment is dictated by the sales contract. Nevada does have a mortgage or recordation tax.

The State of Nevada licenses and regulates all title insurance companies, however, the title insurance cost is determined by the title insurance companies. The title insurance cost can vary between title companies. The Nevada Division of Insurance provides a useful title insurance and escrow cost comparison tool for home buyers and home sellers. Title insurance & escrow calculator. The seller usually pays the cost of the owner's policy and the buyer pays for the lender's policy.

What is an escrow?

Escrow is the process of transferring the home ownership from seller to buyer. The escrow company, who is usually the title insurance company acts as an intermediary between the buyer and seller. The escrow/title insurance company searches the title history, obtains the owner's payoff amount (if applicable), prepares the settlement documents and manages the closing between buyer and seller. The escrow cost, like the title insurance cost can vary between escrow companies; and, the escrow cost increases with the sales price. The escrow cost is customarily split between buyer and seller.

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