Chloe Goodshore is a freelancer writer who specializes in personal and business financing. She has a passion for making boring things sound interesting and complex things sound simple, all so readers can make well-informed decisions.
Chloe’s work has been featured on Yahoo! Finance, U.S. News & World Report, StartupNation, and more.
In her free time, Chloe enjoys quilting, reading, and playing video games.
Find out how you can estimate your PMI costs (and how you can avoid PMI altogether) with our guide to calculating private mortgage insurance.
In this guide, you’ll learn more about how much to spend on an earnest money deposit, how a deposit works, and when you can (and can’t) get it back.
Wondering if you need a pre-listing inspection before you sell? Find out how pre-listing inspections work and if home sellers should get one.
What is an escrow account and how does it work? Learn everything you need to know about escrow during your home purchase and over the life of your loan.
All you need to know about the PHFA Keystone Home Loan Program, including income limits by PA county, minimum down payment requirements, and how to apply.
Good credit helps when you buy a house, but you don’t need perfect credit to get a loan. Our guide breaks down loan options for different FICO scores.