Aja McClanahan is a writer and licensed real estate agent that covers personal finance and a number of related topics. Her work and personal story of paying down over $120,000 in debt have been featured in publications around the web, including sites like Money.com, CreditCards.com, Business Insider, Inc., Experian and many others.
Learn how a 7/1 hybrid mortgage works and if you should get one.
Learn how a 5/1 hybrid mortgage works and if you should get one.
Use our VA residual income calculator to estimate your net income. Plus learn how to qualify for a VA loan.
Our in-depth guide breaks down the USDA loan requirements in 2022. Learn if you qualify!
FHA loan requirements make it easier to qualify for an FHA loan than for a conventional loan, but you’ll still have to hit certain financial benchmarks.
Find out which hybrid loan is right for you.